Sunday, January 22, 2012

Good Stuff......

 I had a very delicious lunch at The Cheesecake Factory yesterday. Here is what I ordered ~

It was very YUMMY!

 These are from my "Good Stuff" board on Pinterest. I love Pinterest, don't you? These are all good things to think about no matter what your goal. It doesn't just have to be about losing weight or getting in shape. Everyone has different goals and different struggles. Something that might be important for you to accomplish may not be important for someone else. Focus on your own goals........



  1. I L.O.V.E. Pinterest! So much inspiration out there. I'm getting back on the fitness wagon tomorrow. I have about 25 lbs. to lose and I'm hoping the Turbo Fire program by Chalene Johnson will get me there. It's been a while since I exercised regularly so wish me luck!

  2. Me too! I love Pinterest! Good Luck! My daughter LOVES Chalene Johnson and Turbokick :-)


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